Thursday, July 23, 2020

5 Tips to Energize Your Career in 2016

5 Tips to Energize Your Career in 2016 5 Tips to Energize Your Career in 2016 The start of each year is the perfect time to take stock of our lives and consider what we can do to make improvements. If it’s about time to reboot your career with solid resolutions that you intend to keep, opening a pristine new calendarâ€"billowing with career planning tips, advice, and strategies to make some bold, new movesâ€"will help you kick off 2016, ready for action. Are you ready to take your career to the next level, search for a new job, or venture into a new career path? You might benefit from exploring some career search tips to help you stick with your resolve and rejuvenate your work life. Prepare to keep and exceed each resolution you make this year by trying to incorporate the 5 career tips that weve compiled to make the most out of 2016: 1.Position yourself so the right people can see you. Your manager isnt likely to complain if you come to work on time each day, do the job assigned to you, and stay until the end of the shift. However, if that is all you doâ€"all you ever doâ€"people may probably think that you are content where you are, doing what you are doing. You need to shake things up, take some classes, and volunteer to help out on more challenging projects to let your employer know that you are ready to advance. 2.Spend time organizing your desk, calendar, and computer files. When you organize your work space and materials, it is easier to assess your daily work and think more clearly without all the clutter. You might even come up with some new career ideas and strategies once you remove some visual pollution and uncover hidden nuggets (such as an internal job posting or an important project) that you can add to your resume. 3.Things are rarely personal in business, so stay positive. It is so easy to let the little things distract and deter your job search. If you dwell on feeling defeated each time you receive a rejection from a prospective employer, you’ll end up wasting a lot of energy that you can use to find a new approach for your next application or career move. 4.Stay involved with your community. If you really want to strike out on a new career path, be more open to meaningful and new connections beyond networking. Community involvement offers you the chance to help others and enrich yourself in ways that are not directly related to work. 5.Become an active social media networking aficionado.  If you have dormant LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook accounts, it is time to become an active member of job-seeking communities. LinkedIn is the most widely used  social media platform for professionals and job seekers, but you can also find opportunities on Twitter and Facebook. Use each platform to join groups in your industry and to search for former colleagues and acquaintances in your field. Eventually, you will find a good deal of networking, career advice, and job notifications. By committing to trying out some new ideas, you can definitely energize your career and keep things rolling along positively for years beyond 2016.

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